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How to Get Rid of Pigeons and other Birds

Pest birds can be a real problem for any business. Not only do they cause a mess, but they can also be a health hazard, and a little frightening.

Pigeons and seagulls are normally the worst culprits, especially in towns and cities. Bird removal in these cases is made more difficult by a number of factors:

  1. Pigeons' natural food is grain and seeds but they adapt to urban areas by scavenging processed food - such as discarded takeaways and food waste - from dustbins.
  2. If they can find enough food pigeons breed the whole year round, with a in the warmer seasons.
  3. Seagulls will return year after year to the same nesting site, so once they’re established they’re hard to get rid of.
  4. Seagulls can live a long time; up to 40 years, during which time they can keep on breeding.

Find out if you have a pest bird problem.

Bird Removal Tactics

The best way to get rid of pigeons and other birds for good is to remove their food sources, however in busy urban areas this is not always a practical solution.

Wondering how to get rid of pigeons and pest birds? If birds are causing a nuisance at your business premises there are a number of bird removal tactics that you can try:

  • Removing access to nesting sites (for instance by putting barriers over window ledges) can be an effective bird deterrent.
  • Keep any possible food sources well hidden.
  • Make sure bin lids are secure and rubbish bags are not left in the open; gulls, especially, have sharp beaks that will make short work of bin bags.

Rentokil’s Bird Control Treatments

Our avian specialists are experienced in how to get rid of pigeons and pest birds at your place of work, whatever the location. Using discreet, cost-effective methods of pest bird removal like bird proofing or netting, we can get rid of pigeons or gull problems without harming them.

Contact us today for fast, effective pest control treatments for your home or business

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