Snake Problem?
Check for common signs like shed snake skins, and know what to do to help prevent them gaining access to your property
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My Business Handles Food
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Why Rentokil
Rentokil Kenya does not cover snakes as part of our service package; although we do offer snake repellent services. You may find the information and advice below regarding snakes useful.
It would be impossible to feature all Kenya's snakes in this guide as there are said to be 171 snake species found here; and luckily only a small percentage of these are venomous.
If you do spot a snake, it will usually be one of the following:
(Python sebae)
(Dendroaspis polylepis)
(Dispholidus typus)
(Dasypelits scabra)
(Naja nivea)
(Bitis gabonica)
(Dendroaspis angusticeps)
(Bitis arietans)
(Naja annulifera)
(Causus rhombeatus)
(Hemachatus hemachatus)
(Thelotornis capensis)